Acquisitions Regulations

The Bureau of Prisons Acquisition Policy (BPAP) is established to provide uniform acquisition policy for institutions and offices within the Bureau. The BPAP supplements the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and the Department of Justice Acquisition Regulations (JAR). Contracting Officers consult all three sources, as well as applicable Operations Memoranda, to ascertain the total acquisition policy in any area.

The BPAP has been developed in accordance with FAR 1.301(c) and JAR 2801.301(d)(4). The Administration Division, Procurement and Property Branch, maintains the BPAP.

Supplemental instruction and reference material is also contained in the Procurement Technical Reference Manual (TRM) and covers areas where internal implementation is required by the BPAP, or where internal procedures supplement the BPAP coverage. The TRM covers procedural instructions in order to maintain a consistent and compatible method of contracting. The TRM numbering system correlates with Chapters and Subparts of the BPAP.
  Bureau of Prisons Acquisition Policy (BPAP)