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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Clinical Practice Guidelines

A Clinical Practice Guideline for Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update. M. Fiore, C. Jaen, T. Baker, et al., American Journal of Preventive Medicine, August 2008; 35(2):online. Summarizes the 2008 update of the U.S. Public Health Service guideline for treating tobacco use and dependence and provides an evidence-based blueprint for clinicians and health care systems to use in treating this chronic disease. (AHRQ 09-R003)

Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence

Clinical Practice Guideline: 2008 Update. Public Health Service, May 2008. Contains strategies and recommendations to assist clinicians; tobacco dependence treatment specialists; and health care administrators, insurers, and purchasers in delivering and supporting effective cessation treatments for tobacco use and dependence. Reveals considerable progress in tobacco research since the 2000 release. (AHRQ 08-0050-1)

Quick-Reference Guide for Clinicians. Revised April 2009. Summarizes the guideline strategies and recommendations for providing appropriate treatment for tobacco dependence. (AHRQ 08(09)-0050-6)

Help for Smokers and Other Tobacco Users, Consumer Guide. Revised May 2008. Tobacco cessation guide that contains easy-to-read educational and motivational messages to help people quit smoking. (AHRQ 08-0050-2A; AHRQ 08-0050-2B, Spanish)

Helping Smokers Quit: A Guide for Clinicians. Revised May 2008. Compact, pocket-sized guide that provides an easily accessible reference for clinicians in the practice setting. (AHRQ 08-0050-3)

Quitting Helps You Heal Faster, Hospital Card. Card offers tips to help hospital patients quit smoking. (English/Spanish) (AHRQ 03-0044)

You Can Quit Smoking, Pocket Card. Presents key steps to quit smoking. (AHRQ 02-0047, AHRQ 03-0006, Spanish)

You Can Quit Smoking: Support and Advice from Your Clinician. Tearsheet pad. Revised October 2008. A personalized quit plan for smokers. (AHRQ 08(09)-0092A, AHRQ 08(09)-0092-B, Spanish)

You Can Quit Smoking: Support and Advice from Your Prenatal Care Provider, Tearsheet Pad. Revised October 2008. Support and advice on quitting for pregnant women who smoke. (AHRQ 08(09)-0091-A, AHRQ 08(09)-0091-B, Spanish)

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