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Congressional Quick Data

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Stats on the U.S.

Information about the upcoming comprehensive revision of the NIPAs
  • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - GDP is the most comprehensive measure available of U.S. economic activity. It measures the value of the goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States.
  • Personal Income and Outlays - The monthly estimates of personal income and outlays measure the income U.S. residents receive and how they spend or save it.
  • Corporate Profits - The quarterly estimates of corporate profits provide a comprehensive, consistent measure of the income earned from current production by U.S. corporations.
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State & Local Area

  • Gross Domestic Product by State: Data | Map | Chart
  • Gross Domestic Product by Metropolitan Area: Data | Chart
  • Quarterly Personal Income by State: Data | Map | Chart
  • Annual Personal Income and Employment by State: Data | Map | Chart
  • Local Area Personal Income and Employment: Data | Map | Chart
  • BEA Regional Facts (BEARFacts) consists of narratives for states, counties, metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs), and BEA Economic Areas. The narratives describe an area's personal income using current estimates, growth rates, and a breakdown of the sources of personal income.
  • Regional input-output multipliers (RIMS) such as the RIMS II multipliers attempt to estimate how much a one-time or sustained increase in economic activity in a particular region will be supplied by industries located in the region.
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BEA currently has over 500 Frequently Asked Question on a number of subjects. If you have a question, we may have the answer in our database. Search to see if your question can be answered, and if not our congressional staff will be more than happy to get an answer for you.



  • International Trade in Goods and Services – Monthly estimates of U.S. trade in goods and services provide up-to-date information on U.S. exports to and imports from foreign countries. The goods estimates, which are largely prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau, are available by detailed product and by selected countries and areas. The services estimates, which are prepared by BEA, are available by major category. The difference between exports and imports is the overall balance on trade in goods and services for the United States.
  • International Transactions Accounts (ITAs) – The international transactions accounts, also known as the balance of payments, present annual and quarterly estimates that summarize the transactions between the United States and foreign countries. They consist of a current account, a capital account, and a financial account.
  • International Services – Annual estimates of U.S. cross-border trade in services and of services supplied through affiliates provide detailed information on the two distinct channels through which services are delivered to the international markets.
  • International Investment Position – International investment position accounts show the cumulative value of U.S.-owned assets abroad and of foreign-owned assets in the United States at the end of each year. U.S.-owned assets abroad less foreign assets in the United States equals the net international investment position of the United States.
  • Operations of Multinational Companies (MNCs) – Financial and operating data cover the overall activities—such as sales, value added, employment, and capital expenditures—of U.S. affiliates of foreign companies and of foreign affiliates and their U.S. parent companies.
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BEA currently has over 500 Frequently Asked Question on a number of subjects. If you have a question, we may have the answer in our database. Search to see if your question can be answered, and if not our congressional staff will be more than happy to get an answer for you.



  • GDP by Industry - The GDP-by-industry accounts provide annual estimates of value added, the industry counterpart of GDP.
  • Annual I-O data - The annual input-output (I-O) accounts provide detailed information on the flows of goods and services that make up the production processes of industries.
  • Travel and tourism data - The Travel and Tourism Accounts (TTSAs) present a detailed picture of travel and tourism activity and its role in the U.S. economy.
  • 1959-2004 research and development data (Excel) - This account is developed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, with support from the National Science Foundation. The research lays the ground work for incorporating R&D as an asset into the NIPAs, a proposal currently under consideration for the internationally accepted standard for national accounts, the System of National Accounts.
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BEA currently has over 500 Frequently Asked Question on a number of subjects. If you have a question, we may have the answer in our database. Search to see if your question can be answered, and if not our congressional staff will be more than happy to get an answer for you.


Satellite Accounts

Satellite accounts are supplementary estimates that do not change the official national accounts, including gross domestic product (GDP). These satellite accounts provide greater detail than in the national income and product accounts (NIPAs) and allow analysis of a particular aspect of the economy, such as investment in research and development (R&D).

Research and Development

The account is developed by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, with support from the National Science Foundation. The research lays the ground work for incorporating R&D as an asset into the NIPAs, a proposal currently under consideration for the internationally accepted standard for national accounts, the System of National Accounts.

Health Care

As the economic importance of health care spending grows, BEA plans to construct a satellite account for health care spending that would allow analysts to better assess the returns to treatments of disease and the sources of changes in health care costs.

Travel and Tourism

The Travel and Tourism Accounts (TTSAs) present a detailed picture of travel and tourism activity and its role in the U.S. economy. These accounts present estimates of expenditures by tourists, or visitors, on 24 types of goods and services. The accounts also present estimates of the income generated by travel and tourism and estimates of output and employment generated by travel and tourism-related industries.

The accounts are updated annually and have been expanded to provide quarterly estimates of the sales of goods and services to travelers and employment attributable to those tourism sales.

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BEA currently has over 500 Frequently Asked Question on a number of subjects. If you have a question, we may have the answer in our database. Search to see if your question can be answered, and if not our congressional staff will be more than happy to get an answer for you.



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