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Environment and Nature Jobs

  • Chemist - Find out about a career in chemistry.
  • Earth Science Careers - Learn more about earth science careers.
  • EEK! - Career Zone - If you think you might want to have a job that involves helping take care of the environment, check out these careers.
  • Environmental Scientist - Environmental scientists find and fix pollution and other environmental problems by figuring out what is in the air, water, and soil to make sure that the environment is safe.
  • Landscape Architect - Learn more about the work landscape architects do.
  • Oceanographer - Kids.gov Career Spotlight - Meet Pablo Clemente-Colón. He is the chief scientist and oceanographer at the National Ice Center.
  • Oceanographer - Forces of Change - Meet David Adamec. He's a physical oceanographer who has pioneered a new way of seeing the ocean.
  • Oceanographer - Oceanography covers a wide range of topics, including marine life and ecosystems, ocean circulation, plate tectonics and the geology of the sea floor, and the chemical and physical properties of the ocean; learn more about careers in this field
  • Physicist and Astronomers - Physicists study the natural world, from what things are made of (matter) to how things behave; learn more about a career as a physicist.
  • Plant Specialist - Botanist - Botanist Martin Hutten, who is the manager of Yosemite National Park's invasive plant program, talks about invasive plants.
  • Scientists in Action - Want to map the planets, explore the ocean floor; protect wildlife, or forecast volcanic eruptions? Take a peek at this website and learn about various careers in the natural sciences.
  • Weather and Climate Scientists - This page features some weather and climate scientists from EPA. Read about careers in Air Pollution Prevention and more.
  • Working for the Great Outdoors - A Day In The Life - Take a closer look at just what it's like "on the job" for people of the Forest Service.

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