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Diabetes Newsletter
December 19, 2011

What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it. 

                                                                            Ezra Pound

In this Issue
• Brief, Intense Exercise Lowers Blood Sugar, Small Study Finds
• Diabetes, Obesity After 60 May Drive Up Breast Cancer Risk
• Health Tip: Keep Diabetes in Check During the Holidays

Brief, Intense Exercise Lowers Blood Sugar, Small Study Finds

May help type 2 diabetics use glucose more efficiently many hours after activity, researchers say

THURSDAY, Dec. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Lack of time is a common reason cited for not exercising, but new research suggests that several short intensive workouts a week may help lower blood sugar levels similarly to longer, more regular exercise regimens.

The small, new study found that 30 minutes of high-intensity exercise a week -- a total exercise time of 75 minutes a week with warm-up and cool-down included -- could lower blood sugar levels for 24 hours after exercise, and help prevent post-meal blood sugar spikes in people with type 2 diabetes.

"If people are pressed for time -- and a lot of people say they don't have enough time to exercise -- our study shows that they can get away with a lower volume of exercise that includes short, intense bursts of activity," said the study's senior author, Martin Gibala, professor and chair of the department of kinesiology at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, in Canada.

Results of the study are published in the December issue of the Journal of Applied Physiology.

Experts already know that exercise can lower blood sugar levels, according to the U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Muscles use glucose as fuel, so any type of activity can bring blood sugar levels down. Exercise also helps the body use insulin more efficiently, which in turn, helps the body use more glucose.

Current recommendations from the American Diabetes Association suggest that people with diabetes should try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise each week. That's about 30 minutes a day, most days of the week.

But, not everyone has time to do that much exercise, Gibala noted. So he and his colleagues wanted to see if high-intensity exercise, done for a shorter time, could also have an impact on blood sugar levels.

The study included eight people with type 2 diabetes. Their average age was 63, and their body mass index (BMI) was 32, a level considered obese. BMI is a measurement of body fat that takes into account height and weight.

Over two weeks, the study participants completed six sessions of high-intensity training. For one minute, the study participants would exercise intensely, followed by a minute of rest. This was then repeated until they'd completed 10 minutes of intense exercise. The exercise sessions also included a warm-up and cool-down period for a total of 25 minutes of exercise.

The intense exercise was done at a level to get the heart rate to about 90 percent of their maximal heart rate. Gibala said this means you're exercising really hard for that minute. "You're not at an all-out pace, like you're trying to save your child, but you'll definitely be out of breath and have trouble talking after a minute," he said.

The best thing about this type of exercise is that "these intervals can be scaled to your level of fitness so that it's safe and effective for you," he noted.

In addition to testing blood sugar levels throughout the study, the researchers also biopsied thigh muscles from each participant at the start of the study, and after the last bout of exercise.

The investigators found that blood sugar levels dropped from 137 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) to 119 mg/dL. In addition, blood sugar levels after meals were also reduced long after training sessions were complete.

The biopsies from the thigh muscles showed increased skeletal mitochondrial capacity, an indicator of improved metabolic health.

Gibala said there are more glucose-transport proteins in the blood after exercise, and these transporters move glucose into the muscles. That's why there's less glucose in the blood.

Dr. Joel Zonszein, director of the Clinical Diabetes Center at Montefiore Medical Center in New York City, agreed that short bouts of exercise can help the body better use glucose, but that more exercise is better.

"If you can only do five to 10 minutes of exercise, that's better than nothing, but you really start to see the effects of exercise if you can regularly exercise 20 to 30 minutes at least a few times a week," he said. "Constant training leads to a steady demand for glucose."

More information

Learn more about exercise and diabetes from the U.S. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Diabetes, Obesity After 60 May Drive Up Breast Cancer Risk

Study also finds low blood lipids linked to risk, but can't explain it

TUESDAY, Dec. 6 (HealthDay News) -- A woman's risk of developing breast cancer appears to rise if she has diabetes or is obese after age 60, a new study indicates.

Previous research has linked obesity and increased breast cancer risk, but "the diabetes link had not been clearly shown," said researcher Dr. Hakan Olsson, a professor of oncology at Lund University in Lund, Sweden.

He is scheduled to present his findings this week at the 2011 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.

The diabetes link held even after he accounted for obesity and levels of blood lipids, such as cholesterol. It is an association, however, not proven cause and effect.

A strength of the study, Olsson said, is that it looked at the population as a whole, not only women with breast cancer. He studied the medical records of more than 2,700 patients for up to 10 years before they developed breast cancer and also records for about 20,500 patients who never developed cancer.

Obesity after age 60 boosted breast cancer risk by 55 percent, Olsson said. To put this in perspective, while 15 of 100 obese women, at the most, would get breast cancer, fewer than 10 of 100 women in the general population would be expected to get breast cancer, Olsson explained.

Up to four years after a diabetes diagnosis, women of any age had a 37 percent higher risk of developing breast cancer, he said.

Olsson also found a link between abnormally low levels of blood lipids or fats, mostly cholesterol, and a 25 percent higher risk of breast cancer. Women with higher cholesterol levels had a lower risk, he found.

This puzzling finding needs to be studied more, the researcher noted.

The type of diabetes drug a woman takes also seemed to influence breast cancer risk, Olsson said. Glargine (Lantus) was linked with a nearly doubled risk of breast cancer. However, metformin (Glucophage, Fortamet, others) was linked with a slightly lower risk.

"If a woman has diabetes, she should be aware that certain cancer forms might appear [more often], and one is breast cancer," Olsson said.

Women with diabetes might also ask their doctor which diabetes drug is best for them and will minimize their cancer risk, he said. However, the study numbers were too small to conclude these drugs directly affect cancer risk, he added.

The new finding is the diabetes and cancer link, said Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, director of women's heart disease at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. But it doesn't surprise her, she said.

"We've known that obesity is associated with breast cancer," she said. "A lot of obese people have diabetes."

The take-home message for women, she said, is that minimizing their breast cancer risk -- now, trying to maintain a healthy weight and avoid diabetes -- will also help their heart health, Steinbaum said.

Olsson will continue the research and explore the lipid level and breast cancer link. Meanwhile, women should watch their weight and aim for a body mass index (BMI) of less than 25, Olsson said. BMI is a calculation based on height and weight. A BMI of 25 or higher is considered overweight, and 30 or over is obese.

Because this research was presented at a medical meeting, the data and conclusions should be viewed as preliminary until published in a peer-reviewed journal.

More information

To learn more about obesity and cancer, visit the U.S. National Cancer Institute.

Health Tip: Keep Diabetes in Check During the Holidays

Prepare for the festivities

(HealthDay News) -- Holiday parties, desserts and buffets can throw your diabetes meal plan way off-track.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests how to enjoy the holidays if you're diabetic:

  • Enjoy a healthy snack before you go to a party, or pack one to take with you.
  • Have small portions from the holiday buffet, and make your table far away from the food.
  • Stick to low-calorie drinks, and limit alcohol to one drink a day for women, or two drinks a day for men.
  • Skip poultry with skin, ham with a honey glaze, and creamy side dishes and sauces.
  • Opt for veggie-based, light side dishes, especially fresh vegetables.
  • Enjoy fresh fruit, instead of a piece of pie.
  • Make socializing with friends and family the focus of the season, rather than food.

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