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Learn to Grow Your Own Food

Work with your mom or dad this summer and you can grow your own fruits and vegetables at home.

Here's how:

  1. Pick a place for the garden. You'll probably need help from your mom and dad to decide where in the yard to build your garden. Make sure your garden gets plenty of sunlight!

  2. Plant your seeds. Dig small holes in the dirt, drop in a few seeds and then cover the holes with dirt.

  3. Water your plants. Make sure you put on a little bit of water to make the dirt damp, but don't use too much or you'll drown your plants.

  4. Pick the fruits and vegetables. Once your plants start to grow you have to pick the fruits and vegetables. Some you can rinse off with water and then eat right away, but others you might want to save to make a special dinner with. Ask your parents for help in the kitchen and you can make a meal with the food you grew.

If you really enjoy gardening, check out how you can become a Junior Master Gardener.


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