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Holiday Pet Safety

Hey kids, there are lots of fun things going on during the holidays. Your house may have decorations, plants, and foods that usually aren't around the rest of the year. Some of these holiday items can be dangerous for your pets and you can help protect them.

Tinsel and Ribbons

Cats love to play with shiny tinsel and ribbon, but if swallowed, tinsel can get tangled in their stomachs and make them very sick. If you have a cat, don’t decorate with tinsel and pick up the ribbons after gifts are unwrapped.


Lots of families like to have poinsettias, holly, or mistletoe around the house for the holidays. Most pets won’t bother with them, but these plants can make animals sick. If you see your pet eat one of these plants, have an adult call a veterinarian to find out what to do.

Table Scraps

You may want to give your pets some table scraps from the holiday meal, but when animals eat fatty foods, it can make their stomachs upset. It is best to only feed them pet food.

Dogs love turkey, chicken, and steak bones, but they can be sharp and cause cuts inside a dog’s stomach. Make sure bones go in the garbage and not in your dog.

Human Treats

Did you know chocolate and some sugar-free mints and gum can make dogs very sick? Don’t leave candy where dogs can get at it. If your pet eats chocolate, sugar-free mints, or gum, have an adult call a veterinarian.

Pet Treats

It is fun to give your pet treats for a stocking stuffer, but even pet treats can cause problems for animals. Some treats can get stuck in a dog or cat’s throat. Too many treats may make them sick. If you want to give your pet a treat, keep the treats small and don’t give them too many at once.

Cold Weather

Even though dogs and cats have fur to keep them warm, a pet left outside for too long in the cold, without shelter, could be in danger. On days when it is very cold, make sure your pet is somewhere safe and warm.

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