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2010 Census Program for Evaluations and Experiments

The 2010 Census Program for Evaluations and Experiments (CPEX) was designed to document and evaluate the 2010 Census programs and operations, as well as test new methods that were suggested from previous evaluation work. Results from the 2010 CPEX will serve as the background or basis from which the 2020 Census is designed, tested, and implemented.

Information about the history and the process of the 2010 CPEX program can be found here.

In August 2006, members of the Census Bureau's executive staff formed an Executive Steering Committee [PDF, 34 kb] to provide overall direction for 2010 CPEX planning and implementation. The 2010 CPEX Executive Steering Committee identified and recommended 2010 CPEX research topics [PDF, 253kb], with assistance from external statistical agencies.

The list of critical research topics was distributed to staff with a request to propose studies to be included in the 2010 CPEX. Each proposed study was briefed to the 2010 Census Integration Group [PDF, 92kb] to determine if the study was sufficiently addressing one or more of the prescribed research questions. With the 2010 Census Integration Group's approval, study plans were finalized and work began.

Once the results for each study were drafted, the study reports were distributed to subject matter experts for critical review. Subject matter experts throughout the Census Bureau provided comprehensive comments related to the report's design and methodology.

Once the results were critically reviewed, they were presented to the Executive Steering Committee for the 2010 Census Assessments and Research [PDF, 896kb], which comprised of Associate Directors and Division Chiefs from relevant areas within the Census Bureau. With the approval of this Executive Steering Committee, results were finalized for release.

For additional information on the review process mentioned above, see the Quality Process Handbook [PDF, 2,424kb].

Studies by Type
Information about various types of studies (evaluations, experiments, assessments, quality profiles) conducted in the 2010 CPEX and links to relevant studies can be found here.

The 2010 CPEX included four different types of studies aimed at producing specific information related to census operations and programs. Below you can find the descriptions of these four types of studies as well as links to the final reports by type of study.

Evaluations | Experiments | Assessments | Quality Profiles

These studies are designed to analyze, interpret, and synthesize the effectiveness of census components and their impact on data quality and coverage using data collected from census operations, processes, systems, and auxiliary data collections.

Here is a list of all the evaluations produced in the 2010 CPEX.

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These studies are designed to provide quantitative or qualitative results for tests that occur during a decennial census in order to have meaningful results to inform planning of future decennial censuses.

Here is a list of all the experiments produced in the 2010 CPEX.

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These studies are designed to document final volumes, rates, and costs for individual operations or processes, using data from production files and activities; quality assurance files and activities; and information collected from debriefings and lessons learned.

Here is a list of all the assessments produced in the 2010 CPEX.

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Quality Profiles
These studies are designed to provide the results from the quality assurance program for an operation.

Here is a list of all the quality profiles produced in the 2010 CPEX.

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Studies by Topic Area
Information about the topic areas that the 2010 CPEX studies covered and links to relevant studies (e.g., address frame, enumeration) can be found here.

Here is a list of the studies by Topic Area. Each study will correspond to only one of the Topic Areas.

Program Management | Systems Engineering | Frame | Enumeration | Response Processing | Evaluative Programs | Infrastructure

Program Management
The Program Management area analyzes the cost, schedule, and scope of 2010 Census operations.

Here is a list of all studies related to Program Management in the 2010 CPEX.

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Systems Engineering
The Systems Engineering area evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of integrated 2010 Census systems.

Here is the study related to Systems Engineering in the 2010 CPEX.

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The Frame area updates the Census Bureau's address list by capturing any new addresses, verifying existing addresses, and deleting any addresses that no longer exist. These addresses include housing units and group quarters.

Here is a list of all studies related to Frame in the 2010 CPEX.

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The Enumeration area attempts to count every person in the United States only one time and in the correct location.

Here is a list of all studies related to Enumeration in the 2010 CPEX.

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Response Processing
The Response Processing area prepares the 2010 Census response data for Congressional Apportionment and census data product usage.

Here is a list of all studies related to Response Processing in the 2010 CPEX.

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Evaluative Programs
The Evaluative Programs area measures and evaluates the accuracy and coverage of the 2010 Census. In addition, this area conducts experiments to understand and improve decennial operations.

Here is a list of all studies related to Evaluative Programs in the 2010 CPEX.

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The Infrastructure area evaluates the support systems and resources used to conduct 2010 Census operations.

Here is a list of all studies related to Infrastructure in the 2010 CPEX.

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Recently Released Studies
Here is a list of the five most recently released 2010 CPEX studies.