U.S. Department of Commerce

USA CountiesTM

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USA Counties features over 6,600 data items for the United States, States and counties from a variety of sources. Files include data published for 2010 population as well as many other items from the 2010 Census of Population and Housing, the 1990 census, the 1980 census and the 2007, 2002, 1997, and 1992 economic censuses.

Information in USA Counties is derived from the following general topics: Accommodation and Food Services, Age, Agriculture, Ancestry, Banking, Building Permits, County Business Patterns, Civilian Labor Force, Crime, Earnings, Education, Elections, Employment, Government, Health, Hispanic or Latino, Households, Housing, Income, Manufactures, Nonemployer Statistics, Population, Poverty, Race and Hispanic Origin, Retail Trade, Social Programs, Survey of Business Owners, Taxes, Veterans, Vital Statistics, Water Use, and Wholesale Trade.

Files contain a collection of data from the U. S. Census Bureau and other Federal agencies, such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Department of Education, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Internal Revenue Service, Social Security Administration and the U. S. Geological Survey.

2005-2009 American Community Survey (ACS) data for Economic and Housing Characteristics, and 2010 Federal Spending data are being introduced. The data covers the following topics: Commuting to Work, Employment, Hispanic, House Heating Fuel, Households by Type, Housing Occupancy, Housing Units -Total, Income and Benefits, Occupations, and Poverty. For further information, please see http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml

About USA Counties