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Success Stories

Iron Girl 2010

I am an attorney in OGC and I wanted to share that I participated in the 2010 Aflac Iron Girl Triathlon in Columbia, Maryland on Sunday! Women of all ages and fitness levels took part in the event and I wanted to share the news that I completed my first (and only lol) triathlon which consisted of a 1k open water swim (.62 mile), 29 K bike ride (17.5 miles), and 5.5k run (3.4 miles) and got a cool t-shirt & medal! ? I also raised $1,500 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training organization in honor of a good friend and sorority sister who was diagnosed with cancer last year! All in all it was a great experience! If you are looking for a cool event to support or (for the ladies) to participate in next August Iron Girl is great! I wanted to give the Fit Feds program kudos because last spring when I began working out the Fit Feds program gave me a big push. Since I live in Baltimore county my commute to DC is so long it really impacted my ability to stick with a program at home however OPM offered classes during the day like Pilates, belly dancing, and even yoga and the opportunity to start working out while at work which was a tremendous help. That along with the emails and various healthy events really had a positive impact on my efforts to workout and lose weight. I have lost close to 80 pounds is a year and a half and I even became a “stair master” by often walking the seven floors up and down from OGC and I enjoy the messages posted in the stairwell. Again just giving kudos for the support! Thanks! Cylia E. Lowe, Esq.

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Columbia, Maryland

2010 Aflac Iron Girl Triathlon

Cylia E. Lowe, Esq.

Cylia E. Lowe, Esq.

On Saturday, September 12, 2009 over 802 people participated in the GEICO CFC Race for Freedom held in Oklahoma City, OK to raise money for the Combined Federal Campaign. This year there were 673 Federal employees that participated in the event which raised $13,200 for CFC.The GEICO CFC Race for Freedom was started in the fall of 2003 and over the years the event has raised over $53,000 for CFC. Each year the event includes a competitive 5 km & 10 km run and a 2 mile walk/run. In addition, several CFC agencies participate by setting up tables to educate participants on the services they provide in the community. It is a great event that promotes philanthropy and fitness while also raising awareness of the presence of the Federal community in Oklahoma.

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Posted 2:53 by

Hi – I’m Dan Green, a Senior Leader at the Office Of Personnel Management. In my day-to-day life I strive to eat right and be active whenever possible. There are times when it’s easier and times when it’s more of a challenge. For me, my staff and all Federal employees, I’d like to see people take each opportunity to make a healthy choice as it comes, and on the rare occasions when there’s a set back, just accept it and make the healthy choice next time the opportunity arises.

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Since May 27, 2009 this once a week walking club out of OPM’s TRB Building has logged in 253 miles. Lena Jones, Karen Nahas, and Susan Turvin have all logged in more than 25 miles and are going for their next goal of 50 miles.

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Pictured Left to Right: Janet Cope, Charlene Heermans, Janet Smith, Susan Turvin, Sheryl Niernberger, Michele Hayes, and Monique Padilla

Not Pictured – but contributed to the “mileage”: Shakia Barnes, Laura Desta, Alyson Grant, Febbi Gray, Mary Ann Jenkins, Nikki Johnson, Lena Jones, Monique Kelly, Karen Nahas, Monyca Peyton, Lauren Schab, Eleanor Therrian, Michelle Warren, Debbie Whitcraft, and Bob Wurste

Hi, my name is Susan Turvin and I am an [Insurance Specialist] at the U.S. Office of Personnel Management. I am overjoyed that my daughter and two grandsons share our home – but working full time and helping raise two active grandsons does create certain challenges. Managing stress is all about taking charge. Taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems. Walking at lunch with friends or participating in workplace fitness opportunities is one way I try to meet the goal of a balanced life, with time for work, relationships, relaxation, and fun.

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