
srandazzo's picture

Upcoming Digital Health Opportunities: Codeathons and the SXSW Accelerator

By Steven Randazzo | On Mon, 10/01/2012 - 1:40pm

For the past three years, through the Health Data Initiative, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has focused on the liberation of health data.  This effort has focused on making data from HHS holdings more easily available without affecting privacy or confidentiality of individuals.  The intention is that entrepreneurs, developers, researchers and policy makers will take the newly liberated data and create web or mobile applications, products and services to help improve health for consumers, communities and service providers.

abhandari's picture

A Buffet of Health Data

By Aman Bhandari | On Tue, 09/18/2012 - 12:42pm

Co-authored by @GHideas and @worksteven Updated September 26, 2012

Hundreds of codeathons are held throughout this country every year resulting in the development of innovative applications, like the “Like” button on Facebook, or solutions to critical social and health problems, like childhood obesity. 

Several codeathons are coming up that are focused on creating solutions in health care that you should check out.