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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Health Literacy

Free Online Course

Effective Communication Tools for Healthcare Professionals (formerly Unified Health Communication – learn more about the name change) is free, on-line, go-at-your-own-pace training that has helped more than 4,000 health care professionals and students improve patient-provider communication.

Take the course any time, night or day, to improve your ability to communicate with patients and overcome barriers that can keep patients from taking their medications according to your instructions, going to the emergency room when they would be better served in primary care or otherwise preventing them from getting the full benefit of the quality care you provide.

Medically underserved patients may have particular difficulty communicating with their health care providers. If you treat patients who are low income, uninsured, and/or whose English proficiency is low, Unified Health Communication can help you:

  • Acknowledge cultural diversity and deal sensitively with cultural differences that affect the way patients navigate the health care system,
  • Address low health literacy and bridge knowledge gaps that can prevent patients from  adhering to prevention and treatment protocols, and
  • Accommodate low English proficiency and effectively use tools that don’t rely on the written or spoken word.


To register, go to Go to exit disclaimer. and choose your course:

The course has five modules that will take approximately five hours to complete. You can start and stop whenever you like.