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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Graduate Research Fellowship Program: Past and Present Fellows

The following table presents NIJ's Graduate Research Fellows from 2004-2012. When available, the project titles are linked to an abstract of the fellow's final report, from which you also can download the full report.

Graduate Research Fellows, 2004-2012
Year and Award Number Fellow Project Title (linked to description or final report if available) Amount
2012-IJ-CX-0027 Hui Huang, University of Illinois
Dissertation Chair: Joseph P. Ryan
Out of Home Placement Location and Juvenile Delinquency: the Investigation of Neighborhood Impact on Child Welfare Population's Juvenile Justice Involvement


2012-IJ-CX-0017 Laura Gaydosh, University of North Texas 
Dissertation Chair: Joseph E. Warren
Physical and Biochemical Factors Affecting the Recovery and Analysis of DNA from Human Skeletal Remains $25,000
2012-IJ-CX-0020 Jordan Bechtold, University of California
Dissertation Chair:Elizabeth Cauffman
Under the Radar or Under Arrest: How does Contact with the Juvenile Justice System Impact Delinquency and Academic Achievement? $24,999
2012-IJ-CX-0018 Tia Stevens, Michigan State University
Dissertation Chair: Merry Morash
Effects of County and State Economic, Social, and Political Contexts on Racial/Ethnic and Gender Differences in Youth's Penetration into the Justice System $25,000
2012-IJ-CX-0022 Michael Winograd, Northwestern University
Dissertation Chair: J. Peter Rosenfeld
Countermeasure Mechanisms and Ecological Validity of P300- Based Concealed Information Tests $25,000
2012-IJ-CX-0044 Jonah Siegel, University of Michigan
Dissertation Chair: Jeffrey D. Morenoff
The Contextual Determinants and Implications of Back-end Sentencing $25,000


Jenna Kieckhaefer, The Florida International University
Dissertation Chair: Nadja Schreiber Compo
Understanding Rapport-building in Investigative Interviews: Does Rapport's Effect on Witness Memory and Suggestibility Depend on the Interviewer?



Tracy Sohoni, University of Maryland
Dissertation Chair: Ray Paternoster
The Effect of Collateral Consequence Laws on State Rates of Returns to Prison $25,000


Yasemin Gaziarifoglu, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
Dissertation Chair: Joel M. Caplan
Identifying Risky Places for Street Robberies $25,000


Pamela Marshall, Univerity of North Texas
Dissertation Chair: Bruce Budowle
Development of an Analytical Approach for a Robust Probability Model for LCN DNA Profile Interpretation


2012-IJ-CX-0019 Jisun Lee, University of Pennsylvania
Dissertation Chair: Amos B. Smith III
Development of Novel 1,2- Indanedione Fingerprint Reagents $25,000
2011-JB-FX-0062 Jamie Henderson, Temple University Dissertation Chair: Dr Daniele Podini SORNA's Potential Effects on the Pennsylvania Juvenile Justice System $25,000
2011-CD-BX-0123 Katherine Butler, The George Washington University
Dissertation Chair: Dr. Philip W. Harris
Ancestry/Phenotype SNP Analysis & Integration with Established Forensic Markers $25,000
2011-CD-BX-0124 R. Bradley Patterson, George Mason University
Dissertation Chair: Dr. John J. Miller
Advancing The Use of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curves to Measure Performance of Forensic Methods $25,000
2011-JP-FX-0101 David Pyrooz, Arizona State University
Dissertation Chair: Dr.  Scott Decker
The Long-Term Consequences of Gang Membership $25,000
2011-CD-BX-0205 Kevin Legg, University of Denver Dissertation Chair: Dr. Phillip B. Danielson Development and Testing of a Rapid Multiplex Assay for the Identification of Biological Stains $25,000
2010-IJ-CX-0001 Joshua Chanin, American University Dissertation Chair: Dr. David Rosenbloom "Negotiated Justice" — The Legal, Administrative and Policy Implications of "Pattern or Practice" Police Misconduct Reform $25,000
2010-IJ-CX-1675 Lallen Johnson, Temple University Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jerry Ratcliffe Journeys to Buy and Sell Illegal Narcotics in Philadelphia Drug Markets $25,000
2010-IJ-CX-0003 Matthew Ruther, University of Pennsylvania Dissertation Chair: Dr. John MacDonald Immigrant Concentration and Homicide Mortality: A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of the Effects of Ethnic Enclaves $25,000
2010-IJ-CX-0002 Lori Sexton, University of California, Irvine Dissertation Chair: Dr. Valerie Jenness Under the Penal Gaze: An Empirical Examination of Penal Consciousness Among Prison Inmates $24,950
2010-IJ-CX-0004 Kelly Socia, University at Albany, SUNY Dissertation Chair: Dr. Alan Lizotte Residence Restriction Legislation and Sex Offender Residential Locations in New York $25,000
2009-IJ-CX-0006 Roberta Belli, John Jay College of Criminal Justice Dissertation Chair: Dr. Joshua D. Freilich Where Terrorists, Far-Right Extremists and Greedy Criminals Meet: A Comparative Study of Financial Crimes in the U.S. $20,000
2009-IJ-CX-0005 Robin Conley, University of California, Los Angeles Dissertation Chair: Dr. Alessandro Duranti Discourses of Death: Language, Juries and "Future Danger" in Texas Death Penalty Trials $20,000
2009-IJ-CX-0025 Andrew M. Lemieux, Rutgers School of Criminal Justice Dissertation Chair: Dr. Marcus Felson Risks of Violence in Major Daily Activities, United States, 2003-2005 $20,000
2009-IJ-CX-0021 Bo Pietraszkiewicz, University of Connecticut Dissertation Chair: Dr. Linda Strausbaugh Exploring the Genetic Diversity of Bacterial Populations in Soil for Forensic Applications (pdf, 186 pages) $20,000
2009-IJ-CX-0002 Shun-Yung Kevin Wang, Florida State University Dissertation Chair: Dr. Gary Kleck Employment, Ethnicity and Crime and Delinquency of Working Youth: A Longitudinal Study of Youth Employment $20,000
2009-IJ-CX-0024 Cynthia W. Weaver, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa School of Social Work Dissertation Chair: Dr. Debra Nelson-Gardell Identifying Offending Trajectories for First-Time Youth Offenders $19,999
2008-IJ-CX-0005 Jennifer E. Cobbina, University of Missouri, St. Louis Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jody Miller From Prison to Home: Women's Pathways In and Out of Crime $20,000
2008-IJ-CX-0004 Philip R. Kavanaugh, University of Delaware Dissertation Chair: Dr. Tammy L. Anderson The Relationship Between Individual Disposition and Social Context in Criminal Offending and Victimization: A Storyline Approach $19,785
2008-IJ-CX-0006 Gregory M. Zimmerman, University at Albany, SUNY Dissertation Chair: Dr. Greg Pogarsky Impulsivity and Collective Efficacy: Investigating the Person-Context Nexus $20,000
2007-DN-BX-0005 Yi Chen, Michigan State University Dissertation Chair: Dr. Anil K. Jain Automated Fingerprint Matching Using Extended Feature Set $20,000
2007-IJ-CX-0006 Ruth Marie Garcia, Temple University Dissertation Chair: Dr. Ralph Brecken Taylor An Integrated Perspective on Federal Correctional Officers and Levels of Perceived Risk $19,976
2007-IJ-CX-0031 Christine L. Gardiner, University of California, Irvine Dissertation Chair: Dr. Elliott P. Currie From Inception to Implementation: How the Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act Has Affected the Case Processing and Sentencing of Drug Offenders in One California County $19,991
2007-IJ-CX-0007 Kristy N. Matsuda, University of California, Irvine Dissertation Chair: Dr. Cheryl L. Maxson The Impact of Incarceration on Young Offender Recidivism $20,000
2007-DN-BX-0013 Megan K. Moore, University of Tennessee Dissertation Chair: Dr. Lyle Konigsberg Body-Mass Estimation by Biomechanical and Morphometric Methods $20,000
2007-DN-BX-0004 Natalie R. Shirley, University of Tennessee Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard L. Jantz Use of Innovative Methods to Determine the Most Sexually Dimorphic Dimensions of the Clavicle $20,000
2007-IJ-CX-0010 Benjamin Steiner, University of Cincinnati Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Wooldredge Maintaining Prison Order: Understanding Causes and Consequences of Inmate Misconduct Within and Across Ohio Correctional Facilities $20,000
2007-IJ-CX-0015 Lydia Brashear Tiede, University of California, San Diego Dissertation Chair: Dr. Mathew McCubbins Comparative Criminal Sentencing: The Effect of Mandatory and Advisory Constraints on Judicial Decision-Making $20,000
2007-DN-BX-0006 Meredith A. Turnbough, University of North Texas Dissertation Co-Chairs: Drs. Robert C. Benjamin and Arthur J. Eisenberg Application of Molecular Genetics to Human Identity $20,000
2006-IJ-CX-0002 Juan Pantano, University of California, Los Angeles Essays in Applied Microeconomics $20,000
2006-DN-BX-K002 Richard Kristinsson, University of Denver Mitochondrial DNA Mixture Separation, Development and Validation by Denaturing High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (pdf, 69 pages) $20,000
2006-IJ-CX-0003 Alicia Peter, Columbia University Trafficking in Meaning: Law, Victims and the State $20,000
2006-IJ-CX-0001 Kevin Beaver, University of Cincinnati The Intersection of Genes, the Environment, and Crime and Delinquency: A Longitudinal Study of Offending $20,000
2005-IJ-CX-K140 Tamar Awad, Auburn University Mass Spectral and Chromatographic Studies on a Series of Regioisomers and Isobaric Derivatives Related to Methylenedioxymethamines $20,000
2005-WG-BX-0001 Clifton Emery, University of Chicago Consequences of Childhood Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence $20,000
2005-WG-BX-0002 Kristin Carbone-Lopez, University of Minnesota In and Out of Harm's Way: Intimate Partner Violence Among Women Over the Life Course $20,000
2005-IJ-CX-0014 Jeffrey Lin, New York University Exploring the Impact of Institutional Placement on the Recidivism of Delinquent Youth $20,000
2005-DA-BX-K100 Joan Bienvenue, University of Virginia Development of Microdevice Solid-Phase Purification Utilizing Dual Pressure/Electro-Elution for Concentration and Enhanced Recovery of DNA $20,000
2004-IJ-CX-0012 David Kirk, University of Chicago Unraveling the Neighborhood and School Effects on Youth Behavior $20,000
2004-IJ-CX-0006 Joseph Targonski, University of Illinois A Comparison of Imputation Methodologies in the Offenses-Known Uniform Crime Reports $19,997
2004-IJ-CX-0008 Lynn Urban, University of Missouri, St. Louis Deterrent Effect of Curfew Enforcement: Operation Nightwatch in St. Louis $20,000
2004-DN-BX-K006 Amanda Hepler, North Carolina State University Bayesian Networks in Forensic Science: An Evolutionary Perspective $20,000
2003-IJ-CX-1007 Meagan Cahill, University of Arizona Dissertation Chair: Dr. Gordon Mulligan Geographies of Urban Crime: Neighborhood Specialization and Typology in Four U.S. Cities $20,000
2003-IJ-CX-1004 Ariana Wall, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Dissertation Chair: Dr. Richard Barth Frequency in the Child Welfare System: Influential Child and Caregiver Characteristics $20,000
2003-IJ-CX-1005 Andrea Leverentz, University of Chicago Dissertation Chair: Dr. Andrew Abbott The Ex-Prisoner's Dilemma: How Ex-Offender Reentry Is "Managed" $20,000
2003-IJ-CX-1016 Catherine Bradshaw, Cornell University Dissertation Chair: Dr. James Garbarino Testing a New Mediational Model of the Link Between Maltreatment and Reactive Aggression in Adolescence $20,000
2003-IJ-CX-0003 Rachel Oakes, University of California, Los Angeles Dissertation Chair: Dr. Dawn Upchurch Family, School and Neighborhood Influences on Youth Violence $20,000
2002-IJ-CX-0025 Jennifer Schwartz, The Pennsylvania State University Dissertation Chair: Dr. Darrell Steffensmeier Comparative Analysis of Structural Covariates of Female and Male Offending Rates (1970-2000) $20,000
2002-IJ-CX-0008 Jennifer N. Shaffer, The Pennsylvania State University Dissertation Chair: Dr. R. Barry Ruback Adolescent Victimization and Offending: Specifying the Role of Peer Groups and Social Context $20,000
2002-IJ-CX-0003 Noelle Fearn, University of Missouri, St. Louis Dissertation Chair: Dr. Eric Baumer The Influences of Community Context on the Processing and Sentencing of Felony Defendants in 54 U.S. Counties $15,000
2002-IJ-CX-0002 Devah Iwalani Pager, University of Wisconsin Dissertation Chair: Dr. Robert M. Hauser The Consequences of a Criminal Record for Employment Opportunities $15,000
2001-WT-BX-0500 Lynette Chow, The Pennsylvania State University Dissertation Chair: Dr. Michael P. Johnson Making decisions: A Multiple Models Approach to Assessing Risk of Repeat Domestic Violence $15,000
2001-WT-BX-0505 Nancy Hirschinger, Rutgers University Dissertation Chair: Dr. Bonita M. Veysey Female-on-Female Assault in an Urban Area $15,000
2000-IJ-CX-0039 Stephanie M. Myers, University at Albany Advisor: Dr. Robert E. Worden. Police Encounters with Juvenile Suspects: Explaining the Use of Authority and Provision of Support $15,000
2001-IJ-CX-0003 Michele Moczygemba Connolly, University of Texas at Austin Dissertation Chair: Dr. William R. Kelly Offender Prediction and Classification: The Development of Fourth-Generation Predictors $15,000
2001-IJ-CX-0001 Jonathan Dudek, MCP Hahnemann University Dissertation Chair: Christine Maguth Nezu When Silenced Voices Speak: An Exploratory Study of Prostitute Homicide $15,000
2001-IJ-CX-0005 Aaron Kupchik, New York University Dissertation Chair: Dr. Jo Dixon Between Two Worlds: Prosecuting Adolescents in Juvenile and Criminal Courts $14,942
2001-IJ-CX-0009 Dana Peterson Lynskey, University of Nebraska at Omaha Dissertation Chair: Dr. Finn Esbensen Explaining Males' and Females' Delinquency: A Multilevel Analysis of Individual and Contextual Factors $15,000
2001-IJ-CX-0007 Paul J. Hirschfield, Northwestern University Dissertation Chair: Dr. John Hagan The Impact of Juvenile Justice Involvement on Educational Outcomes $15,000
2000-IJ-CX-0046 Jarret S. Lovell, Rutgers University Dissertation Chair: Dr. George Kelling Media Power and Information Control: A Study of Police Organizations and Media Relations $15,000
Date Modified: September 26, 2012