NGAkids SwatchBox is a tool for mixing and drawing with millions of colors. Click the rainbow palette to begin.

MIX COLORS: click and drag on the rainbow palette
DARKEN & LIGHTEN: click and drag on the gray slider
SELECT DRAWING COLOR: click in the swatchbox
SAVE COLOR: drag selected color from the arrow to empty palette
CREATE: draw in the empty box at the right
PICK A COLOR FROM YOUR DRAWING: click the eyedropper and then click the drawn color
FILL BACKGROUND: click the paint bucket to fill the background with the selected color
UNDO/REDO: click the red x/green arrow toggle button the last drawing move
ERASE: click the eraser to start over

If the top of this page is blank, download or update Shockwave Player. For best results, Snow Leopard (OS 10.6) Mac users should set Safari to open in 32-bit mode. Here's how.

NOTE:  If you have an older Windows-based computer, you may prefer this early version of the application.


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