Justice for Victims. Justice for All.
Office for Victims of Crime
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Help for Crime Victims

If at any time you feel that you are in immediate danger, we strongly urge you to call your local police department’s emergency number (911).
Courage, Strength, Respect Web Ad from the 2012 NCVRW Guide.
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All states receive Federal funds from OVC to help support local victim assistance and compensation programs. There are resources in your immediate area, State, and/or region that offer services to individuals who have been victimized by crime. Information on assistance and compensation programs in your local area is available on the U.S. Resource Map section of our site.

The OVC Web site also provides the following resources intended to help victims of crime—

Additionally, OVC’s What You Can Do If You Are a Victim of Crime brochure highlights victims’ rights and compensation and assistance programs, and lists national organizations that help victims find information or obtain referrals.