International Security Advisory Board (ISAB)

10/06/2011 State's International Security Advisory Board.  From left to right: Amb. Robert Gallucci, Dr. Graham Allison, Douglas Bereuter, Amb. James Goodby, William Tobey, Joseph Cirincione, Dr. James Tegnelia, Lt. General Brent Scowcroft, General Montgomery Meigs, Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, Dr. Raymond Jeanloz, Rep. Harold P. Naughton Jr, Secretary Clinton, Dr. Bruce Blair, Dr. William Perry, Dr. Joan B. Woodard, Robert Terry Everett, Walter Slocombe, Dr. David A. Kay, Dr. Ellen Williams, Charles Curtis.   - State Dept Image
The Secretary of State's International Security Advisory Board (ISAB) provides the Department with independent insight and advice on all aspects of arms control, disarmament, international security, and related aspects of public diplomacy. The ISAB is sponsored and overseen by the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security. The Board provides its recommendations directly to the Secretary of State. The Board is chartered to have up to 30 members. Board members are national security experts with scientific, military, diplomatic, and political backgrounds. The Board meets in a plenary session on a quarterly basis.


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