Federal Aviation Administration

Section 508

FAA's Section 508 Team consists of personnel from various lines of business (LOBs). The LOBs have identified personnel that are working together to act as points of contact, develop interim guidance and procedures, research and analyze issues, and communicate the importance of Section 508. In the near-term, personnel from many functions and disciplines, such as Civil Rights, Human Resources, staff offices, webmasters, information technology, Procurement and Legal have come together in partnership to ensure success of this effort within the agency. The Office of Assistant Administrator for Information Services and Chief Information Officer (AIO) has taken the leadership role and is actively working with the LOBs to ensure that employees and customers have access to information and technologies throughout the agency.


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Page Last Modified: 08/12/09 14:48 EDT

This page can be viewed online at: http://www.faa.gov/about/office_org/headquarters_offices/aio/programs/ites/sec_508/