United States Department of Veterans Affairs
A video briefing on VA benefits for Survivors
Agent Orange and other herbicides being used in Vietnam
A Marine Corps ceremony remembering the fallen
Visit the National Archives

Welcome to the Office of Survivors Assistance!


The Office of Survivors Assistance (OSA) is a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) program designed to provide dedicated and comprehensive support to Survivors and dependents of deceased Veterans and members of the Armed Services.


The Office of Survivors Assistance was established by Public Law 110-389, Title II, Section 222, in October 2008, to serve as a resource regarding all benefits and services furnished by the Department to Survivors and Dependents of deceased Veterans and members of the Armed Forces.  OSA also serves as a principal advisor to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs and promotes the use of VA benefits, programs and services to survivors.


In the course of perusing this Web site, OSA hopes that Survivors and dependents, Veterans, their families, caregivers and others will become more knowledgeable about the benefits and services offered by VA to eligible Survivors and dependents, and take the next steps to apply, if deemed eligible.


OSA will continuously improve the design, content and types of communications on this Web site as we move forward, and welcome any suggestions you might have as to how we might modify it further.  Also, if you have any questions or concerns, please review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to determine if they have been addressed.  If they are not addressed in this section, please contact us at officeofSurvivors@va.gov.


Debra A. Walker





Integrity - Commitment - Advocacy - Respect - Excellence







With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right,

as God gives us to see right, let us strive to finish the work we are in;

To bind up the nation’s wounds;

To care for him who has borne the battle,

and for his widow, and his orphan.”


President Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865