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United States Department  of Veterans Affairs

In the Spotlight



It's easier to prevent some diseases than treat them. Immunizations protect us from many harmful and fatal illnesses. A simple shot may not only help you stay healthy, but it guards those around you - especially those with weaker immune systems, such as children and the elderly. Protect others by protecting yourself: make sure you're immunized.

My HealtheVet offers two features that record your immunizations: "VA Immunizations" and "Track Health."

  • "VA Immunizations" is available to Veterans who get their care at a VA health care facility and have a Premium My HealtheVet account. You can view this information by logging onto My HealtheVet and selecting Blue Button, a way to view your Personal Health Record. Your VA immunization history will show the name of each shot, the date it was entered into your VA Electronic Health Record and the facility where you got your vaccination.

    Screen shot of Blue Button immunization data

  • The "Track Health" feature allows you to self-enter any immunizations you have received outside of VA care. (You can use this feature even if you are not a VA patient.) You can self-enter information about immunizations you had when you were a baby (like the measles and the mumps) or those you received from outside VA (such as a flu shot from your local pharmacy).

    Screenshot of Immunizations

Use both of these features side-by-side for the most effective way to organize your immunization history - and reveal what immunizations you might need. Don't forget to note any adverse reactions you may have had to a vaccination. You can do this in the "Allergies" section of your My HealtheVet account.

All of your immunization and allergy information is important to share with your health care team so that they are aware of what you have taken and how your body has responded. By using Blue Button, you can download the data, print out a copy and take it into your next appointment. Get immunized, track the information and build a strong defense for both you and those you love.

To access the VA Immunization feature, Veterans must be receiving health care services from VA, have registered on My HealtheVet as a "VA Patient" and have a Premium My HealtheVet account. To get an upgraded Premium My HealtheVet account, you will need to go through authentication. This is a process by which VA verifies a Veterans' identity before allowing access to his or her VA health record. Learn more about upgrading your My HealtheVet account through In-Person or Online Authentication.

Updated/Reviewed: October 10, 2012

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