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Security Tip (ST05-009)

Benefits and Risks of Free Email Services

Original release date: April 27, 2005 | Last revised: April 30, 2008

Although free email services are convenient for sending personal correspondence, you should not use them to send messages containing sensitive information.

What is the appeal of free email services?

Many service providers offer free email accounts (e.g., Yahoo!, Hotmail, Gmail). These email services typically provide you with a browser interface to access your mail. In addition to the monetary savings, these services often offer other benefits:

Free email accounts are also effective tools for reducing the amount of spam you receive at your primary email address. Instead of submitting your primary address when shopping online, requesting services, or participating in online forums, you can set up a free secondary address to use (see Reducing Spam for more information).

What risks are associated with free email services?

Although free email services have many benefits, you should not use them to send sensitive information. Because you are not paying for the account, the organization may not have a strong commitment to protecting you from various threats or to offering you the best service. Some of the elements you risk are

Authors: Mindi McDowell, Allen Householder

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