Steps to Create a Community Strategic Plan

USICH recognizes that each community has different strengths and resources, and that the planning process will vary by community. In some communities, Continuums of Care are in the lead. In others, the community planning process will be led by jurisdictional leaders, or even the private sector. Whichever approach is used, all key community stakeholder leadership should be involved, including Continuum of Care and provider representatives. All should be important players in the process. Additionally, sharing data between the Continuum of Care, the Consolidated Plan jurisdictions (other jurisdictions) and other planning entities is strongly encouraged to have a more effective plan. There is no one right path to a comprehensive community plan.

The community planning process requires long-term commitment from the first planning steps to full implementation; staff time and energy at many agencies and organizations; willingness to engage diverse stakeholders and forge new partnerships; and the ability to think creatively about old problems and existing resources.

We encourage communities to follow these steps as a guide in community strategic plan development.

Steps 1-3: Organizing Leadership

Step 1: Gain commitment from Key Leaders

Step 2: Identify Stakeholders

Step 3: Organize and Convene Stakeholders

Steps 4-7: Creating the Plan

Step 4: Use Community Data to Drive Plan Development

Step 5: Identify Community Issues and Needs

Step 6: Review Opening Doors Themes and Objectives

Step 7: Develop and Prioritize Strategies Aligned with Opening Doors

Steps 8-10: Action Plans and Implementation

Step 8: Create an Action Plan and Identify Resources for Implementation

Step 9: Announce and Publicize the Plan

Step 10: Implement Plan and Regularly Report