Justice for Victims. Justice for All.
Office for Victims of Crime

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The Time Is Now Video Preview Transcript

[Title screen]
The Time Is Now

[Female victim advocate, Beverly Frantz, speaking off camera.]
Most victim service people don't really think about people with disabilities.

[Female victim advocate, Beverly Frantz, speaking on camera.]
They don’t come to their door for the most part, and so they really aren’t aware that there is a high number of individuals with disabilities in their own community who have been victimized.

[Female victim advocate #1, speaking to woman off camera.]
Do you have material in braille?

[Female victim advocate #2, replying to first.]
We have some of our materials so that we can blow them up . . .

[Male victim advocate, Kelly Pierce, speaking to camera.]
Often people say, well, I don’t have anyone disabled, but then they have this image of someone completely immobilized and having this fictionalized figure in their head of what actually is a disabled person.

End of video clip.

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