National Fire Academy Enfranchisement Program

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Under the National Fire Academy (NFA) Enfranchisement Program, 2-day, 6-day, and 10-day NFA courses can be delivered to fire departments in addition to the current deliveries available through the NFA Sponsored Off-Campus Delivery Programs.

Under the Enfranchisement Program, the host will bear the entire cost of the courses including contracting directly with qualified NFA instructors, printing course materials, and providing a suitable training facility. A grant program is available to assist with funding. NFA will provide a master set of course materials, a list of qualified NFA instructors, and quality control oversight. Departments will continue to report student participation in all courses for inclusion in the NFA admissions system, and students may receive NFA course certificates.

Further information may be obtained from Terry Glunt, Enfranchisement Program Manager, at (800) 238-3358, ext. 1402, or (301) 447-1402.