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Photos from the Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the General Land Office

On April 25, 2012, more than 150 visitors and guests stepped back in time to April 25, 1812, when the General Land Office was established.  The special event was held at the BLM Eastern States Office in Springfield, Virginia, where millions of GLO records are preserved and made accessible on the Internet.  Eastern States employees greeted guests in period attire, operated a replica Land Office, and led tours of the GLO records vaults.  The commemoration was the first in a series of programs to celebrate the GLO, the Homestead Act, and the history of BLM.

Denise Coleman greeted visitors to BLM Eastern States.Pat Tyler, GLO Records Automation Branch Chief, welcomed walk-in business at the Land Office.
Ric Smart and Kate Marks of the GLO bindery.BLM Chief of Staff Janet Lin signed the GLO Guest Book.
Eastern States Director John Lyon welcomed guests.Claudia Walker and Mike Pool of the BLM Director's Office led the group in "Happy Birthday."
Don Teter portrayed "Edward Corder," a chainman on George Washington's survey crew in Virginia.The Commemorative Cake.
Robert Patterson and Denise Coleman led guided tours of the GLO records vaults. Nate Felton gave a presentation on the history of the GLO and led tours.

Speakers and presenters at the event: Monique McDonald-Harris, Pat Tyler, Sylvia Baca, 
Marcilynn Burke, Don Teter, John Lyon, Nate Felton, and Mike Pool.