womens health dot gov
A project of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health

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A project of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health
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Empowering women to live healthier lives!


Breast Cancer

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Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women during their lives, and many of us know someone — a mother, sister, friend — who has had it. It is the second-leading cancer killer of women in the United States, next to lung cancer. Thanks to screening, breast cancer often can be found early, when the chance of successful treatment is best. In fact, many women are even cured of the disease.



Breast Cancer was reviewed by:

Richard E. Manrow, Ph.D.
Associate Director, Office of Cancer Content Management
Office of Communications and Education
National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health

Content last updated November 17, 2010.

Resources last updated November 17, 2010.

A federal government website managed by the Office on Women's Health in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
200 Independence Avenue, S.W. • Washington, DC 20201