- the Official U.S. Government Site for Medicare

Find Helpful Contacts Navigation Help

There are several ways to move around this tool:

Grey buttons: In general, to advance to the next step in the tool, you'll use the grey buttons. Depending on where you are in the tool, the buttons will say different things, like “Find Helpful Contacts and Websites”, “Find Helpful Contacts for this Organization”, etc. Click on the button, and you will go to the next step.

Breadcrumb Navigation: To go back to the page you were on before you got to the current page, some (but not all) pages on this tool will have a link that you can use. The row of breadcrumb navigation provides links back to each previous page that you visited in the workflow. If you are currently on the Search Results page, for example, you can click the ‘Search Options’ link in the breadcrumb row to return to the Search Options page.

Additional Information: At many points throughout the tool, you have the chance to get more information a popular topics. You can get to this information by clicking on the link next to a topic area or the links in the blue “Related Websites & Resources” box on the right side of the screen.