Intelligence Note

Prepared by the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

February 8, 2006

Fraudulent IC3 e-mail alert!!!

The FBI continues to see reports of e-mail hoaxes claiming to be from the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

The new e-mail hoax utilizes the IC3 by advising victims the IC3 was contacted numerous times by the International Money Order regarding a transaction between a victim and a buyer on an online auction. Instructions from the International Money Order encourage victims to send the item being sold, the shipment tracking number, and courier used for the shipment to an Agent for the International Money Order.

Failure to abide by the instructions set forth by the International Money Order would result in being labeled as a "scammer." Also, the victim's name and address would be forwarded to a law enforcement agency within the victim's country of residence.

E-mail addresses included in this e-mail are:


If you have received this, or a similar hoax, please file a complaint at