Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights

Current Section  Purpose
 Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Home

Program Office: Rehabilitation Services Administration

CFDA Number: 84.240
Program Type: Formula Grants
Also Known As: PAIR


The PAIR program supports the protection and advocacy system in each state to protect the legal and human rights of individuals with disabilities. In order to be eligible for advocacy services from the PAIR program, an individual with a disability must meet three criteria:

  1. The individual's concern must be beyond the scope of the Client Assistance Program (see # 84.161A, also under topical heading Rehabilitation), which is authorized under Sec. 112 of the Rehabilitation Act.
  2. The individual must be ineligible for services from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' (HHS) Protection and Advocacy of Developmental Disabilities (PADD) program (authorized under Part C of the DD Act).
  3. The individual also must be ineligible for the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) program of HHS (authorized under the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness Act).

Each PAIR program must set annual priorities and objectives to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in each state. Although the objectives and priorities vary from state to state to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in each state, most PAIR programs set priorities and objectives aimed at reducing barriers to education, employment, transportation, and housing. In addition, PAIR programs advocate on behalf of individuals with significant disabilities to promote community integration and full participation in society.


Eligible systems have the authority to pursue legal, administrative, and other appropriate remedies or approaches to protect and advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities. Protection and advocacy systems may be housed in public or private entities as designated by the governor.

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Last Modified: 01/26/2012