Sleep and Aging

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do older adults need as much sleep as younger people?
  2. What are the consequences of poor sleep for older adults?
  3. I have trouble falling asleep at night. Is that just a normal part of aging?
  4. What is the most common reason older adults wake up at night?
  5. As I get older, why do I tend to become tired earlier in the evening?
  6. Do older adults get enough sleep?
  7. How many types of sleep are there?
  8. What are the most common sleep disorders among older adults?
  9. What are the symptoms of insomnia?
  10. What are some suggestions for getting a good night's sleep?
  11. What causes a person to snore?
  12. What is obstructive sleep apnea?
  13. What is central sleep apnea?
  14. How is sleep apnea usually treated?
  15. Are there other treatments for sleep apnea?
  16. What are movement disorders and how do they affect sleep?
  17. What are the symptoms of periodic limb movement disorder?
  18. What are the symptoms of restless legs syndrome?
  19. What is REM sleep behavior disorder?
  20. How are movement disorders treated?
  21. At what point should I see a doctor about a sleeping problem?
  22. What can I expect during my visit to the doctor?
  23. How does a sleep center diagnose sleep problems?

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