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Child Care and Development Fund

Vice President Biden
“Parents are worried about finding a job or keeping the job they have and they shouldn’t have to worry about affording quality child care,” said Vice President Biden when announcing new Recovery funding for the Child Care and Development Fund.

The Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) is the primary Federal program specifically devoted to child care services and quality. It enables low-income parents and parents receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) to work or to participate in the educational or training programs they need in order to work. Funds may also be used to serve children in protective services. In addition, a portion of CCDF funds must be used to enhance child care quality and availability.

The $2 billion in Recovery Act funds for the Child Care and Development Fund will allow states across the country to support child care services for more families whose children require care while they are working, seeking employment or receiving job training or education. The funds will be used by states to provide vouchers to families for child care or to provide access to care through contracts with child care centers. Recovery Act dollars will support a wide range of child care providers, including child care centers and home-based programs.

A portion of the funds will be used to improve overall quality and enhance infant and toddler care. For example, states may train child care providers, assist providers in meeting health and safety requirements, hire specialists specifically trained to work with infant and toddler providers, provide grants to providers to achieve higher quality and invest in other initiatives.

The new funds supplement the existing $5 billion child care subsidy program, the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). The Recovery Act funds will be awarded on a formula basis to states, the District of Columbia, five territories and 260 tribal grantees representing approximately 500 Indian tribes.

For more information on the Child Care and Development Fund, visit

Recovery Act Implementation Plan