Need Help?
Call the toll-free ThriftLine at 1-877-968-3778 and speak to a Participant Service Representative.

For calls outside the U.S. and Canada call 1-404-233-4400 (not a toll-free number).

The ThriftLine hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern time.

You'll find the most current plan information and materials on this website. As a participant, you can use your TSP account number or user ID and your Web password to view your account information and perform transactions.

The ThriftLine is the TSP's automated telephone service. The number is toll free within the United States and Canada. The ThriftLine has information such as current TSP news, share prices, and loan and annuity rates. You will need your TSP account number and TSP Personal Identification Number (PIN) to access your account and perform certain transactions. You can also call the ThriftLine to speak with a TSP Participant Service Representative.