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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality


Expenditures by Health Condition

Table 8. Mean expenditures by health condition and self-reported health status for adults insured throughout 2006.

Condition/Health Status Ages
Mean Mean
All persons 3,412 6,251*
Asthma 7,151 10,310*
Cancer 11,463 12,357
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 5,100 9,916*
Depression 7,156 11,656*
Diabetes 8,136 11,114*
Heart disease 9,421 12,066*
Hypertension 6,825 8,189*
Any chronic condition 4,951 7,377*
Trauma 4,958 8,418*
No chronic condition 1,391 1,692
Self-reported health: excellent/very good/good 2,695 4,850*
Self-reported health: fair/poor 10,515 13,665*

Source: 2006 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey—Household Component
*  indicates that the estimates for ages 25-54 and 55-64 are statistically different at the 5% level. Expenditures are reported for individuals with a condition. Individuals with more than one condition are included in the means for each condition.

  • Overall, near-elderly adults had much higher mean medical expenditures than younger adults (Table 8).
  • Mean expenditures for individuals with particular chronic conditions, except cancer, were higher for near-elderly individuals than for younger individuals.

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Non-Group Premiums

Table 9. Premiums in the non-group health insurance market (in 2006 dollars) using pooled data from 2004-2006

Policies # Policies Standard
Mean Premium Standard
All policies 5,824,599 286,413 3,770 137
Single policies 4,011,844 219,725 2,909 128
Family policies 1,812,754 142,355 5,675 280
Single policies: Age 0-39 1,761,440 165,407 1,714 98
Single policies: Age 40-54 1,153,929 98,786 3,570* 262
Single policies: Age 55-59 569,420 64,040 3,911* 349
Single policies: Age 60-64 527,055 64,268 4,374* 358
Family policies: Age 0-44 818,187 91,577 4,275 265
Family policies: Age 45-54 589,353 70,522 6,088* 318
Family policies: Age 55-64 405,215 57,711 7,901* 860

Source: 2006 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey—Household Component
*  indicates that the estimate is significantly different from that for the lowest age category.

  • In the 2004-2006 period, there were on average 5.8 million policies per year purchased in the non-group (individual) insurance market, covering 9.1 million persons.
  • There were 4.0 million single policies with a mean premium of $2,909 (Table 9).
  • There were 1.8 million family policies covering 5.1 million individuals with a mean premium of $5,675.
  • For single policies, policyholders aged 40-54 ($3,570), policyholders aged 55-59 ($3,911), and policyholders aged 60-64 ($4,374) had premiums that were significantly higher than policyholders aged 0-39 ($1,714). The differences in mean premiums for policyholders aged 40-54 and 55-59 and for policyholders aged 55-59 and 60-64 were not statistically significant.
  • For family policies, policyholders aged 45-54 ($6,088), and policyholders aged 55-64 ($7,901) had premiums that were significantly higher than policyholders aged 0-44 ($4,275).

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Financial Burdens

Figure 5. Financial burden of health care and health insurance, by insurance and age, 2005 This bar graph shows the percent of adults with a high financial burden of health care and health insurance costs (out-of-pocket spending over 10% of after-tax income) by type of insurance and age. Private group coverage: Ages 25-34: 12.2% Ages 35-44: 16.4% Ages 45-54: 19.4% Ages 55-64: 28.0%  Private nongroup coverage: Ages 25-34: 34.2% Ages 35-44: 40.8% Ages 45-54: 60.8% Ages 55-64: 69.0% Public coverage: Ages 25-34: 11.3% Ages 35-44: 18.9% Ages 45-54: 28.5% Ages 55-64: 43.9% Uninsured: Ages 25-34: 10.6% Ages 35-44: 13.5% Ages 45-54: 17.0% Ages 55-64: 25.4%.

Go to Appendix Table A1 for more detailed information on this chart. Financial burden refers to people who have out-of-pocket costs for medical care and premiums that exceed 10% of the family's after-tax income.

  • Near-elderly individuals were consistently at greater risk of living with high financial burdens than adults ages 25-44, regardless of their insurance status (Figure 5).
  • Near-elderly individuals and those ages 45-54 with private nongroup coverage had similarly high burdens.

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