High Blood Pressure

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is normal blood pressure?
  2. What is high blood pressure?
  3. What is "pre-hypertension?"
  4. What is isolated systolic hypertension?
  5. Blood pressure is always given as two numbers. What do they mean?
  6. Why is it so important to control my blood pressure?
  7. Who is most likely to get high blood pressure?
  8. What other factors increase my chances of getting high blood pressure?
  9. Is there any way I can prevent high blood pressure?
  10. What can I do to prepare to have my blood pressure taken?
  11. Are there lifestyle changes I can make to lower my blood pressure?
  12. Are there medicines I can take to cure high blood pressure?
  13. Is there one kind of medicine I can take that will control my blood pressure?
  14. How do I know if I need to lose weight to prevent or control my blood pressure?
  15. What is the relationship between blood pressure and body weight?
  16. What is the major source of the salt, or sodium, that we eat each day?
  17. What will the food label tell me about the amount of salt, or sodium, in that product?
  18. How much salt is OK to eat each day?
  19. What is the DASH Eating Plan?
  20. Can you lose weight following the DASH eating plan?

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