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Smithsonian Folklife Festival 2011

Peace Corps Volunteer Spotlight: Elizabeth Spellman

Country of Service: Zambia
Title: Health Volunteer
Time in Country: 2008–2011

Elizabeth of Woburn, Massachusetts, focused primarily on improving nutrition in her local community. She also taught home–based care givers to make bio–intensive permagardens, and helped community groups. Elizabeth, a graduate of Boston University, extended her Peace Corps service for a third year training other Volunteers and writing training manuals.

Smithsonian FolkLife Festival: Elizabeth and others from the Peace Corps/Zambia team will demonstrate appropriate technology projects that use village resources to improve the standard of living by providing energy, fighting disease, and ensuring food security. The Zambia group will demonstrate the use of solar–food dryers, treadle pumps, pedal–powered cellphone chargers and clothes washers, coolers, cookers, smokers, maize hullers, fuel–efficient stoves, and will show how to use corncobs to create charcoal.

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Last updated Jul 16 2012