Scientific Programs

Myunggi Baik

Dr. Myunggi Baik joined our laboratory in October of 1991 after completing a Ph.D. at North Dakota State. He explored the role of WAP in transgenic mice overexpressing the gene under control of the MMTV-LTR.

Dr. Baik left the laboratory in August of 1992 to become Assistant Professor at Chonnam University in South Korea.

Publications while at LGP

PubMed search


1. Hennighausen, L., McKnight, R.A., Burdon, T., Baik, M., Smith, G.H and Wall, R.J. (1994) Whey acidic protein extrinsically from the mouse mammary tumor virus long terminal repeat results in hyperplasia of the coagulation gland epithelium and impaired mammary development. Cell Growth and Differentiation 5, 607-613.


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