The New DCF

It's not just our logo that's changing. Our actions and policies are aligned to give you opportunities to succeed.

Explore Adoption

Meet this month's Amazing Child: Christopher.  He has a lot of love to give and needs someone to help bring that out in him.



Connect with Us!

Text alerts, email updates, social media - we've got what you need to stay in-the-know.

Partners for Promise

From car tune-ups to haircuts, more than 1,200 Florida businesses are donating time to help their communities.


Florida needs 1,200 new foster parents. Can you open your heart and home?

A Message from the Governor

I am focused on making Florida the best place for businesses to grow and expand, keeping the cost of living low in our state, and making sure every child is able to get a good education. In these ways, Florida’s families and children have the best opportunity for success.  

A Message from the Secretary

David WilkinsDCF is changing. We have new partnerships, philosophies and policies - all to serve Florida families better. Please take a moment to look around the new website, follow us on social media and subscribe to our updates. We look forward to continue helping Florida prosper and grow.

The Florida Abuse Hotline:

(800) 962-2873

Report abuse or neglect online

ACCESS Florida

Food, Medical Assistance and Cash


Secretary Gives Child Welfare Update