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Male Services

Male Family Planning Services

The Title X family planning program is required by law to provide family planning services, including information, education, counseling and clinical services to all individuals desiring such services, including males. Title X clinics provide education and counseling, condoms, STI testing and treatment, HIV testing and in some cases, vasectomy services to males.

The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) is committed to the development and integration of male-focused family planning and reproductive health services into family planning programs. Research shows that young men recognize unintended pregnancy, STDs and HIV/AIDS as serious problems and acknowledge that prevention is a joint responsibility. Experience has also shown that drawing males into family planning and reproductive health information and services programs requires approaches that focus on their unique needs. Males, as well as females, need to be offered services in culturally competent ways and in ways which serve the total individual.

While females continue to comprise the majority of the Title X clients, services to males tripled from 1999-2010. In 2010, 8% or 402, 292 men, were served in Title X programs.

Approaches to Male Involvement in Family Planning

OPA projects seek to develop family planning services and educational approaches which can be integrated into programs where males are already receiving health, education and social services in their communities. OPA funds research projects and trainings to improve outreach and service delivery to males. For example:

  • In 2008, OPA funded a third round of Male Research Cooperative Agreements which assess the implementation of a three-tiered approach to providing family planning and related clinical services to males. The projects aim to reassess and modify the physical and administrative environment, provide staff training in methods for best serving males, and conduct focused outreach and make linkages with other community-based organizations which serve males.

  • In 2004, OPA established the Family Planning Male Reproductive Health Training Center which continues to provide science-based information and training to Title X projects and family planning clinics to assist in developing and testing outreach models and to improve the quality of family planning and reproductive health information and services to males.

  • Past projects have included innovative ways to include males such awarding small grants to Title X family planning clinics for employing male high school students as interns. The program was designed to provide participants with 1) information about allied health professions and job skills training, and 2) education on family planning, reproductive health and responsible sexual behavior.

Current and past research findings related to male reproductive health services have been shared with Title X providers and others interested in reaching and providing related care to males.