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Sample Media and/or Newsletter or Listserv Announcement

Cut and paste this text into your newsletter, listserv, or press release. Add local details and quotes from your organization.

Approximately one in every 33 babies is born with a birth defect each year in the United States. This is why [your organization] is proudly participating in National Birth Defects Prevention Month. Locally, [fill in statistics] are affected by birth defects.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines a birth defect as a problem that happens while the baby is developing in the mother’s body. Babies born with birth defects have a greater chance of illness and long-term disability. Diabetes is the theme of this year’s National Birth Defects Prevention Month (January).

  • Add details about your local activities.
  • Include quote from your organization.

Both genetic and environmental factors can cause birth defects. While 60 to 70 percent of birth defects are unknown, there are some simple steps a woman can take to lower her risk of having a baby with a birth defect. These include:

  • Getting enough folic acid every day before and during pregnancy.
  • Not smoking, using recreational drugs, or drinking alcohol while pregnant.
  • Preventing infection.
  • Avoiding certain medications (and other chemicals).
  • Getting regular prenatal care.
  • Eating properly.
  • Making sure all vaccinations are up to date.

For more information, visit [insert your organization information].