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Find an Organization by Health Topic Results: 1-8 of 8 Orgs

American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists  External Link

Founded in 1951, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has over 55,000 members and is the nation's leading group of professionals providing health care for women. ACOG works p... Details >

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Endometriosis Association  External Link

The Endometriosis Association is a nonprofit self-help organization dedicated to offering help and support to those affected by endometriosis, educating the public and medical community about the dise... Details >

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Foundation for Women's Cancer  External Link

Foundation for Women's Cancer, formerly the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (GCF), was established by the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists (SGO) in 1991. Its mission is to support research, education ... Details >

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Gynecologic Cancer Foundation   External Link

The mission of the Gynecologic Cancer Foundation (GCF) is to ensure public awareness of gynecologic cancer prevention, early diagnosis and proper treatment as well as supports research and training re... Details >

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International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy, Inc.  External Link

A non-profit organization founded by a group of committed gynecologists from around the world who recognized the need for a truly representative, independent and international forum focusing on the ch... Details >

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National Uterine Fibroids Foundation  External Link

The National Uterine Fibroids Foundation is a nonprofit public charity dedicated to the following five goals: (1)To provide information to the public about the diagnosis of, and treatment options for,... Details >

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Ovarian Cancer National Alliance  External Link

The Ovarian Cancer National Alliance is the foremost advocate for women with ovarian cancer in the United States. To advance the interests of women with ovarian cancer, the organization advocates at a... Details >

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Society of Gynecologic Oncologists  External Link

The Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) is a national medical specialty organization of physicians, surgeons and healthcare professionals who are trained in the comprehensive management of women wit... Details >

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