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The how-to guide for: Help Military Families


There are nearly 200,000 military personnel deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan, and thousands more that are geographically separated from their families during assignments when it is not feasible for the family to accompany them.

The Problem

Deployed military members leave behind spouses, children and parents who must try to maintain life as usual while their loved one is away. In addition, they are often left to settle into a new community without the support of local family and friends.

Because the military family may be new to town or on their own, it can be even more stressful for them to locate childcare, register children for school, schedule doctor appointments and maintain a home. These problems are compounded when the spouse is deployed. In many instances, it can be just as stressful when a spouse returns from deployment, especially if that person has been injured.

The Solution

Military families that are settling into a new home and community have many needs that can be met by volunteers who may be able to babysit, help with errands, locate a handyman, jumpstart a car, or prepare a meal. Volunteers can also be a resource to find others in the community who can provide support.

Time Commitment


Often the most valuable service you can provide is just being there and listening.

Special Considerations

Skills vary—offer what you know how to do.

Who can do this?

Primarily individuals or faith-based groups.

Great Reasons to do this Project

Military men and women and their families make tremendous sacrifices as they serve our country. Your support lets them know how much their service is appreciated. Members of the military represent the leaders of the next generation. By supporting them we are encouraging them to continue their service—eventually outside the military, in our communities.

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