School Tour Request Form 2012–2013

(Please print and mail or fax)

Please read directions carefully before filling out this form.

To request your tour, please fill out the form completely and mail or fax it to the Gallery. Your form must be received at least four weeks in advance of the tour date you are requesting (eight weeks in advance for a foreign-language tour).

Tour Request Forms will be accepted:

Our schedule fills very quickly due to the volume of tour requests. Please list alternative dates on your form. Incomplete forms will delay processing.

Mail or fax your completed form to:
Jennifer Cross, School Tours
National Gallery of Art
2000B South Club Drive
Landover, MD 20785
Fax: (202) 789-4974

Today's date
Contact Person (Name and Position)
Name of School (Specify Public or Private)
Title one school (Specify Yes or No)
School Address
City / State / County / Zip Code
School Telephone / School Fax
Home Telephone
E-mail Address
Preferred Method of Contact
Number of Students / Grade(s) (groups must contain at least 10 students)
Number of Adult Chaperones (minimum of one for every 10 students)
Chaperone Contact Information
Please provide the name and cell phone number of the adult who will be accompanying the students on their visit.
Requested Tour Theme
Alternate Tour Theme
(for French- and Spanish-Language Tours, please indicate an alternate tour in English
if a foreign-language docent is not available for your time slot)
Additional Information for Scheduler

Three possible dates, in order of preference

Specify time: 10:15 a.m., noon, 1:30 p.m., or 2:00 p.m.

First Choice: Date / Time
Second Choice: Date / Time
Third Choice: Date / Time

Special-topic Tour Requests, if any

Please note that tour content focuses on the Gallery's permanent collection only.