Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation

The Children's Cardiomyopathy Foundation (CCF) is a national, non-profit organization focused on pediatric cardiomyopathy, a chronic disease of the heart muscle. CCF is dedicated to accelerating the search for cures while improving diagnosis, treatment, and quality of life for children affected by cardiomyopathy.

CCF actively works with federal agencies, medical societies, voluntary health organizations, and hospitals nationwide to increase awareness, accelerate research, and advance education on pediatric cardiomyopathy. The hope is that one day every affected child can be cured to live a full and active life.

“A Cause for Today… A Cure for Tomorrow”

Updates From CCF

CCF’s annual appeal by Tucker Davis, elder brother of Nathan Davis.

The wait for a new heart can be long and scary for a child. CCF teen ambassador Joe DiSanto shares how he went from being an active kid to one of the sickest patients at Children’s Hospital of New York waiting for a heart transplant. CCF is focused on funding research so that fewer kids need heart transplants and providing support for those who do.

Read Joe’s letter

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CCF Action Alert


Your voice is needed in Washington, D.C. Help the first-ever cardiomyopathy bill become law and help protect children with cardiomyopathy at-risk of sudden cardiac arrest.