Frontpage Slideshow (version 2.0.0) - Copyright © 2006-2008 by JoomlaWorks
  • donate now

    Make a Gift to Make a Difference

    Make a gift today to the Scleroderma Research Foundation (SRF), the nation’s leading nonprofit investor in medical research to find improved therapies and a cure for scleroderma.

    Our progress is entirely dependent upon charitable gifts from generous people like you.

    Other Ways to Give

    There are many ways to support the work of the SRF. From financial contributions to volunteering, there is something everyone can do to help in the fight against scleroderma.

    Building Your Philanthropic Legacy

    Including the Scleroderma Research Foundation in your estate planning guarantees your lifetime commitment to finding a cure will not end!

    The SRF: A Four Star Charity

    charitynavigator.gifThe SRF has achieved the highest possible rating from Charity Navigator, America's premier charity evaluator, for sound fiscal management and commitment to accountability and transparency. We are honored to be included in this short list of America's most respected and mission-driven nonprofit organizations. 

  • downloads

    SRF 2011
    Annual Report:
    Research is the Key (4 MB PDF file)

    The Scleroderma Research Foundation’s 2011 Annual Report is available for download. Read about currently funded research projects and this year's accomplishments.

    SRF Live Webinar Series:

    Visit our webinar page to register for upcoming live webinars and to download recent webinars from leading experts. The SRF webinar series is free and features the latest advances in scleroderma research as well as important news about clinical trials and the ongoing search for improved therapies and a cure.


    Moving Forward:
    The Work of Scleroderma Research Foundation 

    "Moving Forward" is a six minute video sharing the struggles presented by scleroderma, the bravery of patients living with the disease and the important role of medical research in the search for a cure.

  • Cure Crew

    Cure Crew is the SRF volunteer program allowing people everywhere to turn their passion into a cure for scleroderma. Learn more about what people are doing to help raise funds and awareness... 

    Set up your personal Cure Crew page and help find a cure for scleroderma. 

    Cure Crew members can easily set up a personal page with fundraising goal and simple links to share with friends and family. Tell your story and make a difference in the lives of people living with scleroderma. Best of all, the SRF is here to help. Just call us at 1-800-441-CURE or join online now to get started.

    bookcover-small.jpgCure Crew member Meredith Allister and her daughter, scleroderma patient Andrea Oakland, have teamed up to create a children's book to raise awareness and help familes better understand the disease. Support them and the search for a cure - order your copy here