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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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ODI is responsible for reviewing and evaluating plans, reports, and programs for conformance with various laws, regulations, and directives relating to diversity and inclusion.

Executive Order 13583, August 18, 2011, requires OPM to publish a Government-Wide Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan, and guidance to agencies.TEST

ODI prepares program reviews and annual accomplishment reports for such programs as the Federal Equal Opportunity and Recruitment Program, the Hispanic Employment Program, and the People with Disabilities Employment Program.

In addition, OPM's Federal Employment Statistics and FedScope are the authoritative sources for statistical information on the size and composition of the Federal civilian workforce. We offer customers free electronic publications that contain hundreds of tables and charts; and specialized services (fee may be required) for customers who need additional data or statistics.