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Data Table Federal Justice Statistics, 2008- Statistical Tables

Mark Motivans, Ph.D.

November 3, 2010    NCJ 231822

Describes criminal case processing in the federal justice system, including arrest and booking through sentencing and corrections. These statistical tables present the number of suspects arrested and booked by the U.S. Marshals Service, suspects in matters investigated and prosecuted by U.S. attorneys, defendants adjudicated and sentenced in U.S. district court, and characteristics of federal prisoners and offenders under federal supervision.

Data are from the Federal Justice Statistics Program (FJSP), which collects comprehensive information describing suspects and defendants processed in the federal criminal justice system, and annual data on workload, activities, and outcomes associated with federal criminal cases. The data presented in these tables were collected from  the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys (EOUSA), Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AOUSC), U.S. Sentencing Commission (USSC), and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP).

These web-only tables were prepared by the Urban Institute under the supervision of Mark Motivans of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The tables were prepared under BJS grant number 06-BJ-CX-K004. Principal staff at the Urban Institute were William Adams, Julie Samuels, Kamala Mallik Kane, and Barbara Parthasarathy.


Section 1: Federal Law Enforcement and Prosecution

Federal Arrests
Table 1.1. Suspects arrested for federal offenses and booked by U.S. Marshals Service, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
   Map 1.1. Suspects arrested by the Drug Enforcement Administration, by state of arrest, October 1, 2007 -- 
      September 30, 2008
Table 1.2. Suspects arrested for federal offenses and booked by U.S. Marshals Service, by arresting agency, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 1.3. Characteristics of federal arrestees booked by U.S. Marshals Service, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 1.4. Characteristics of suspects arrested by Drug Enforcement Administration agents, by type of drug, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 1.5. Warrants cleared, by warrant type, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008 (forthcoming)
Table 1.6. Time from warrant initiation to clearance, by warrant characteristics, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008  (forthcoming)

Federal Investigations and Prosecutions
Table 2.1. Suspects in matters received by U.S. attorneys, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
    Map 2.1. Suspects referred to U.S. attorneys, by federal judicial district, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 2.2. Disposition of suspects in matters concluded, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 2.3. Suspects in criminal matters declined by U.S. attorneys, by basis of declination, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008

Section 2: Federal Pretrial, Adjudication, Sentencing, and Appeals

Federal Pretrial
Table 3.1. Defendants released at any time prior to case disposition, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 3.2. Defendants released at any time prior to case disposition, by defendant characteristics, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 3.3. Behavior of federal defendants released to the community pending trial, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008

Federal Case Filings and Adjudication
Table 4.1. Defendants in criminal cases commenced, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 4.2. Federal criminal case dispositions, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 4.3. Criminal cases disposed by U.S. magistrates, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 4.4. Characteristics of convicted offenders, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008

Federal Sentencing
Table 5.1. Sentence types for offenders sentenced in criminal cases terminated, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 5.2. Type and length of federal sentences imposed, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 5.3. Federal offenders sentenced to incarceration, by offender characteristics, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 5.4. Average incarceration sentence lengths imposed, by offense and offender characteristics, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008

Federal Appeals
Table 6.1. Criminal appeals terminated, by type of criminal case and offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 6.2. Disposition of criminal appeals terminated, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 6.3. Federal criminal appeals cases terminated on the merits, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008

Section 3: Federal Corrections and Supervision

Federal Supervision, Probation, and Parole
Table 7.1. Federal offenders under supervision, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
   Map 7.1. Defendants under federal supervision, by federal judicial district, October 1, 2008 -- 
      September 30, 2008
Table 7.2. Characteristics of federal offenders under supervision, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 7.3. Outcomes of federal probation supervision, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 7.4. Characteristics of offenders terminating federal probation supervision, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 7.5. Outcomes of federal supervised release, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 7.6. Characteristics of offenders terminating federal supervised release, October 1, 2006 -- September 30, 2007
Table 7.7. Outcomes of federal parole, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 7.8. Characteristics of offenders terminating federal parole, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008

Federal Imprisonment
Table 7.9. Admissions and releases of federal prisoners, by offense, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 7.10. Characteristics of the federal prison population, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 7.11. Average time to first release and percent of sentence served, for federal prisoners released by standard methods October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008
Table 7.12. Characteristics of first releases from federal prison, by offense, all releases, October 1, 2007 -- September 30, 2008

Part of the Federal Justice Statistics Series

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