BJS: Bureau of Justice Statistics

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Publication State Court Organization 1993

January 1, 1995    NCJ 148346

The volume is designed to answer questions about the organization of a particular State's courts, to identify patterns in how courts are organized, to address some specific features of statutes and policies that affect how courts function, to discuss how the judicial branch is governed, and to discuss in detail the jury system. Tables in this volume are divided into seven broad topical areas: judges and courts; judicial selection and terms; governance, funding, and administration of the judicial branch; jurisdiction, staffing, and procedures of appellate courts; trial court administration and procedures; the jury; and the sentencing context. Tables are formatted either to describe what is found at the State level (i.e., juror source list, definition of felony offenses, function of the administrative office of the courts) or to report on features that differ from court to court within a State (i.e., number of judges, manner of selecting the presiding judge). The eighth section contains 1-page court structure charts for each State, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. 47 tables and 53 charts


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