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National Science Foundation

Science Across Virtual Institutes (SAVI) is a mechanism to foster interaction among scientists, engineers and educators around the globe. It is based on the knowledge that excellence in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) research and education exists in many parts of the world, and that scientific advances can be accelerated by scientists and engineers working together across international borders. Virtual institutes that connect researchers with shared interests and goals will have a great impact on solving important societal challenges.


A virtual institute will serve as a catalyst to foster many activities efficiently and economically, and will seek to:

  • Create a uniform platform for broad sets of international collaborations;
  • Bring leading researchers from various countries together, both virtually and physically to coordinate their work on problems or issues of common interest;
  • Create research partnerships among NSF-funded U.S. institutions and other institutions around the world to address global scientific challenges at the frontier;
  • Strategically leverage NSF funding with new funding opportunities from around the globe;
  • Leverage complementary intellectual strengths and share unique research facilities;
  • Mentor and train junior researchers by providing them with opportunities to network with research leaders within the U.S. and abroad; and
  • Create opportunities for scientific collaborations within the U.S. and across the globe to work across disciplinary, institutional, geographic, linguistic and cultural barriers.

SAVI will provide a mechanism for U.S. research communities to build long-term, structured collaborations with partnering countries in STEM fields. These partnerships will make a greater impact on research and education, which fuel economic growth, prosperity and well-being.

Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations presented in this material are only those of the presenter grantee/researcher, author, or agency employee; and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.