Need Help?
Call the toll-free ThriftLine at 1-877-968-3778 and speak to a Participant Service Representative.

For calls outside the U.S. and Canada call 1-404-233-4400 (not a toll-free number).

The ThriftLine hours are Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Eastern time.

The TSP issues quarterly statements in January, April, July, and October, and annual statements for each preceding year in February. Your first quarterly beneficiary participant account statement will be mailed to you. You can view or print subsequent quarterly statements from the TSP website or request to have them mailed to you. Your quarterly statements cover all transactions in your account during the previous three months.

Your annual statement summarizes the financial activity in your account for the previous calendar year and provides other important information such as your personal investment performance and your primary beneficiary information. The TSP posts this statement on the website and, unless you request to receive only electronic annual statements, also mails it to you. If you choose to receive your annual statements electronically, you will receive an annual package in the mail with a TSP newsletter and a message from the Executive Director. Therefore it is important that you keep your address up-to-date with the TSP.

Check your statements carefully, and, if you see any information you believe is not correct, follow up with the TSP.