JavaScript is enabled by default on all Web browsers. It is a programming language used to add interactive features to Web pages. You should be aware that you will not be able to use the TSP website unless JavaScript is enabled. However, if you need to disable it for some reason, follow the instructions below for your browser and operating system.

Internet Explorer


Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 (Windows)

  1. Open Internet Explorer.
  2. On the Tools menu, select Internet Options.
  3. On the Security tab, click Internet.
  4. Click Custom Level.
  5. Scroll down to Scripting, Active Scripting.
  6. Click Enable or Disable.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Yes.
  9. Click OK.



Firefox 2 and 3 (Windows)

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. On the Tools menu, select Options.
  3. Click the Content icon.
  4. Check the box next to Enable JavaScript.
  5. Click the Advanced button to open the Advanced JavaScript Options box.
  6. Check the boxes under Allow Scripts to section that you want to allow.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click OK again.

Firefox 2 and 3 (Mac)

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. On the Tools menu, select Preferences.
  3. Click the Content icon.
  4. Check the box next to Enable JavaScript.
  5. Click the Advanced button to open the Advanced JavaScript Options box.
  6. Check the boxes under Allow Scripts to section that you want to allow.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click OK again.



Safari 3.1 (Windows)

  1. Open the Edit menu.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. In the Preferences dialog box, click the Security icon (a padlock).
  4. In the Web Content section, click the check box next to Enable JavaScript so that a tick appears. (Click again to remove the tick if you want to disable JavaScript.)
  5. Close the Preferences dialog box by clicking the X icon at the top right.

Safari 3.1 (Mac)

  1. Open the Safari menu.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. In the Preferences dialog box, click the Security icon (a padlock).
  4. In the Web Content section, click the check box next to Enable JavaScript so that a tick appears. (Click again to remove the tick if you want to disable JavaScript.)
  5. Close the Preferences dialog box by clicking the red button at the top left.

Safari 4 (Windows and Mac)

  1. Click the Develop menu, and check/uncheck Disable JavaScript.

Google Chrome


Google Chrome 2 (Windows)

  1. Right click the Google Chrome icon in your desktop.
  2. Click Properties.
  3. Click the Shortcut tab.
  4. Add Disable-JavaScript parameter in the Target field.
  5. Click OK.