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If you decide not to invest in the L Funds and you would rather choose your own investment mix from the G, F, C, S, and I Funds, remember that your investment allocation is one of the most important factors affecting the growth of your account. If you prefer this approach, keep the following points in mind:

Consider both risk and return. Over a long period of time, the F Fund (bonds) and the C, S, and I Funds (stocks) have higher potential returns than the G Fund (Government securities). But stocks and bonds also carry the risk of investment losses, which the G Fund does not. On the other hand, investing entirely in the G Fund may not give you the returns you need to keep up with inflation or meet your financial needs.

You need to be comfortable with the amount of risk you expect to take. Your investment comfort zone should allow you to use a “buy and hold” strategy so that you are not chasing market returns during upswings, or abandoning your investment strategy during downswings.

You can reduce your overall risk by diversifying your account. The five individual TSP funds offer a broad range of investment options, including Government securities, bonds, and domestic and foreign stocks. Generally, it’s best not to put “all of your eggs in one basket.”

The amount of risk you can sustain depends upon your investment time horizon. The more time you have before you need to withdraw your account, the more risk you can take. (This is because early losses can be offset by later gains.)

Periodically review your investment choices. Check the distribution of your account balance among the funds to make sure that the mix you chose is still appropriate for your situation. If not, rebalance your account to get the allocation you want. You can rebalance your account by making an interfund transfer.